Sorry for the lack in posting lately...I've been pretty sick for the last week with tonsillitis. :( Hence, I haven't been up for much computer time. But I'm hoping to get back on here a little more regularly at some point. We're heading off on vacation next week, so I might have to make my come back after our much needed vacation!
Ok, well here we go for our Friday fun!
1. What do you listen to while driving? If I'm alone in the car...nothing! It's usually my only chance for some total quiet, so I take full advantage by clicking the radio off. But if Logan or Ian are in the car, I'm usually listening to one (or both) of them! And if the radio is on and we can actually hear it, we are usually listening to come 80's tunes or classic rock...that's what we can all agree on. :)
2. What is your least favorite thing about Fall? Ummm...absolutely NOTHING!! I LOVE fall!! It's my most favorite time of year...there is a fun (read: generally inexpensive) holiday, the weather is cooling off but not too cold yet, there is football on TV, there is yummy food like pumpkin bread and pumpkin pie...seriously, does it get better than this?!
3. What does your dream house look like, inside and out? It looks like my house right now. :) I am seriously grateful each and every day for my house. I'm beyond grateful for the chance to be the owner of this house and the fact that we bought it brand new is only icing on the cake. Yes, there are little things I wish I could change about the layout and upgrades I'd like to make, but this is OUR house and we're going to do everything we can to keep it this way. Now if I were to win the lottery and have a 2nd house someday, it would definitely be 1 story, on a lot of land, have wood floors throughout, stainless steel appliances, have a wrap around porch and have a barn out back with a couple of horses. But I'm happy with what I have for now and wouldn't change it for anything. :)
4. Would you ever own a minivan? H-E-double hockey sticks N-O!!! I will never drive a mini-van...ever! Even if our next kid turns out to be sextuplets, I will stuff each and every one of them into some kind of SUV but it will never be a mini-van!
5. Do you wash new clothes before wearing them? For me? Generally no...except for underwear. If I'm wearing something that close to my personal parts, I want to know that they've been washed. But anything else just gets worn first. For Logan? Yes, I wash everything I buy him before he wears it. Why? I don't know...I guess that's because that's what the tags on his close tell me to do and somebody suggested it when he was born, so I've always done it. I'm sure it will get old someday and he too will wear new clothes before they've been washed.
Ok, that's all for now my friends. Like I said, I might be MIA for a little while during the next coulple of weeks, but I hope to make a come-back by the end of the month!
Happy Friday...and head over to Mama M's for more Friday fun. :)