So I've figured out that one of the crappiest things about being a full time working Mom is this...
Monday through Friday I pretty much deal with the crappy side of my child...literally and figuratively speaking. I have to deal with the end of the long day crankiness, tiredness, don't want to use the potty, poop in the underwear, don't feel like listening anymore, hungry, demanding, hasn't had enough mommy attention, needy, but don't get too close child. And on top of all of that, I'm generally wore out from my long day, so my patience is minimal at best.
But I think what's worse than all of that, is that I only get a few short hours each day to spend with my child...approximately 1 hour in the morning and 2.5 hours in the evening. So this short time is generally spent rushing around preparing meals, bathing, with a little tiny bit of time thrown in for "quality" time playing and snuggling.
Don't read this and think that I'm complaining...I've chosen this path for my life, and I'm happy living it. I just wish that the few short hours I have with my child each day were more enjoyable, we were all less tired, and I had a housekeeper to prepare our meals, do our laundry and clean up after us...oh, sorry, dream world!
I treasure every moment I get to spend with my child, I just wish the weekday time was a little easier for all of us...