Thursday, December 2, 2010

It's Been a While...5 Question Friday

Don't ask me where I've been lately because I don't really know.  I do know that I've been tired of using the computer since I sit at one all day long, so the last thing I want to do when I get home at night is sit at one.  Plus I just haven't felt like sharing lately...nothing personal, just haven't felt like it.
But then tonight for some reason, I'm sitting here at my computer, snooped at a couple of blogs and saw one post from a blogger mom that said she's tired of blogging...I love when I can relate.  I think sometimes we all need a break.  I'm not saying that I'll be posting regularly here from now on, I'm just saying I was feeling it tonight.
So let's do something that doesn't require too much thought...a little 5 Question Friday!  
1. What's on the top of your holiday wish list and why?!  A Flip video camera and a Kindle...they're tied for first right now!  I've been wanting a flip for a while because I would love to have something compact and easy to take videos of Logan.  But I would also love a Kindle because I love to read, but I hate buying books for two reasons...1) they cost too much, and eBooks are cheaper and 2) I don't have any more room to store regular books.  We'll see what Santa can afford this year!

2. What is your favorite Christmas gift from the past?  I guess I would have to say my first camera that my mom got me a long time ago.  That camera sparked something in my husband that has now turned into his career. :)

3. If you had life to do over, what would you be when you grow up?  A nurse.  I would love to be an ER nurse.  I think I would enjoy the fast pace and the ever changing environment.  Plus I'm pretty sure I would make a little more $$ than I'm making now and I would probably have a little more flexible schedule to spend more time with Logan.  But I LOVE my job now and appreciate it everyday when I walk into my office.

4. When do you put up your tree?  I usually try to wait until about 2 weeks before Christmas because I hate when the tree starts to dry out and the needles start to fall off.  Not only does the mess bother me, but even the smallest thought of fire drives me crazy.  But I think this year we're going to get crazy and put it up a week earlier.  Logan saw a Christmas tree on TV the other day and about freaked out with excitement, so to me that was a sign that it's time!  I can't wait until he realizes that we get to have a tree in our house. :)  Plus the scent always boosts my holiday spirit!

5. What is your favorite Holiday?  Definitely Christmas!  It's a holiday that lasts nearly a whole month, you get to decorate the inside and outside of your house, everything smells good, there are good deals in the stores, people are generally in a festive and good mood, and there is a lot of baking and eating to be had!  How can anyone not like all of that?!

Ok...well that wasn't too painful...maybe I'll be back for more next week if not sooner...maybe!  Until then, Happy Friday friends.  And check out some more 5 Question fun by clicking on the link below.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

5 Question Friday

Sorry for the lack in posting lately...I've been pretty sick for the last week with tonsillitis. :(  Hence, I haven't been up for much computer time.  But I'm hoping to get back on here a little more regularly at some point.  We're heading off on vacation next week, so I might have to make my come back after our much needed vacation!
Ok, well here we go for our Friday fun! 
1. What do you listen to while driving?  If I'm alone in the car...nothing!  It's usually my only chance for some total quiet, so I take full advantage by clicking the radio off.  But if Logan or Ian are in the car, I'm usually listening to one (or both) of them!  And if the radio is on and we can actually hear it, we are usually listening to come 80's tunes or classic rock...that's what we can all agree on. :)

2. What is your least favorite thing about Fall?  Ummm...absolutely NOTHING!!  I LOVE fall!!  It's my most favorite time of year...there is a fun (read: generally inexpensive) holiday, the weather is cooling off but not too cold yet, there is football on TV, there is yummy food like pumpkin bread and pumpkin pie...seriously, does it get better than this?!

3. What does your dream house look like, inside and out?  It looks like my house right now. :)  I am seriously grateful each and every day for my house.  I'm beyond grateful for the chance to be the owner of this house and the fact that we bought it brand new is only icing on the cake.  Yes, there are little things I wish I could change about the layout and upgrades I'd like to make, but this is OUR house and we're going to do everything we can to keep it this way.  Now if I were to win the lottery and have a 2nd house someday, it would definitely be 1 story, on a lot of land, have wood floors throughout, stainless steel appliances, have a wrap around porch and have a barn out back with a couple of horses.  But I'm happy with what I have for now and wouldn't change it for anything. :)

4. Would you ever own a minivan?  H-E-double hockey sticks N-O!!!  I will never drive a mini-van...ever!  Even if our next kid turns out to be sextuplets, I will stuff each and every one of them into some kind of SUV but it will never be a mini-van!

5. Do you wash new clothes before wearing them?  For me?  Generally no...except for underwear.  If I'm wearing something that close to my personal parts, I want to know that they've been washed.  But anything else just gets worn first.  For Logan?  Yes, I wash everything I buy him before he wears it.  Why?  I don't know...I guess that's because that's what the tags on his close tell me to do and somebody suggested it when he was born, so I've always done it.  I'm sure it will get old someday and he too will wear new clothes before they've been washed.

Ok, that's all for now my friends.  Like I said, I might be MIA for a little while during the next coulple of weeks, but I hope to make a come-back by the end of the month!

Happy Friday...and head over to Mama M's for more Friday fun. :)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

October 1st 5 Question Friday...ahhhhhh!!

Hello friends...or anyone out there?!  Well, can you believe that it's already October??  Seriously, I'm ready for fall, but I can't believe that it's already October!!

Well, since we're here, let's get some questions answered... 
1. Did you have a pen pal when you were little (or now)? Where were/are they from? pen pal.  I very vaguely recall maybe having one for a very short time in elementary school...maybe, but I don't think that counts.  And right now, if I had a pen pal they would suffer from lack of communication from me since I have zero time for something like that.

2. If you could do a different job for one day, what would it be?  I think I would be an ER nurse...because that's what I want to be when I grow up. :)  I think I would enjoy the fast-paced environment and the different people you encounter.  So, it would probably be good for me to try it out for a day before I actually do it!

3. Do you remember your biggest fear from when you were little?  Seriously, can we take a break from the memory questions?  I think we have firmly established that I don't have a very good memory from before yesterday, so let's just skip these for now or I'll hurt my little brain trying to think of an answer.

4. What do you think is a waste of time? Why?  There are a lot of little things that I consider a waste of time, like cleaning my house, doing laundry, watering the flowers...because all of those things un-do themselves rather quickly.  The house is immediately a mess again, clothes get dirty after wearing them just one time and the flowers will die eventually!  Geezzz...I'm sounding a little pessimistic right now, huh?  I guess it's because I don't have time to do any of those things anyway, so I see them as a waste of time!
5. What is the oldest item you have in your closet?  Ooooh...I think I have some pretty old pairs of shoes...maybe from about 12 years ago?!  I'm pretty good about going through my clothes pretty regularly and donating them, but for some reason I haven't sorted through shoes in a very long time.  I was actually just noting this to myself the other day that I should probably sort through them and get rid of the ones that haven't moved in the last 3 years!

Ok, there you go friend(s)...happy Friday!!  Woo's the weekend!  Anything planned??

Well, in the meantime head on over to Mama M's to check out more 5 Question Friday fun. :)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I just saw the most hilarious...yet oh so true video online.  I've discovered Mompetition!!!  Check out the video below...  If you're a mom, you'll totally understand!


Thursday, September 23, 2010

5 Question Friday...

Seriously, I don't think the weeks can get any shorter.  And if the weeks are getting shorter, that means the weekends are getting even shorter too...ugh.
Here we go!
1. If you could speak with a different accent, what would it be (i.e Australian, Scottish)?  Totally Australian!  My boss is Australian, so we joke around at work and try to talk like him a lot.  Plus, we've been to Australia and I loved hearing their accent while we were there.

2. Can you fall asleep anywhere? (i.e floor, couch, deck)  Absolutely not...I pretty much have to be cozy and warm in order to fall in my bed or on a comfy couch with a soft blanket.  I can't sleep in the car, on a floor and have trouble sleeping in other beds (i.e. hotels, family, etc).

3. Do you use public restrooms? If so, do you sit on the toilet?  Yes, I will use a public restroom because when you've got to go, you've got to go.  Plus it's bad to hold your urge to go anyway.  But I will NOT sit on a public toilet...eeewww!!  I'll use a seat cover or hover if I need to!

4. If you were stuck in an elevator for 24 hours, what celebrity would you most want to be stuck with?  Hmmm...again with the celebrity question...I think we've established that I'm not good with celebrities.  There is really no one in particular that jumps to the front of my least anyone that interests me enough to be stuck in an elevator for 24 hours.  I don't think I'd want to be stuck with anyone in an elevator for 24 hours for that matter.  Being stuck in a space that small with anyone for that long, no matter who they are, would drive me crazy!  So I'll pass on getting stuck!

5. Where did you & your significant other go on your 1st date?  Our first official date was at McLintock's in downtown SLO and our friend Kenny went with us!  It was great...they totally harrassed the waitress, thought it was hilarious to order turkey nuts, and then Kenny had to tell Ian to pay for my dinner...right in front of me!  It was a fun and easy first date!

Ok...that wasn't very exciting.  I'm not feeling great and I'm a little tired.  Good thing it's finally Friday.  I have to make the big push to get through the day and then I'll be good and ready for the weekend. :)

Head over to Mama M's for answers that are definitely more interesting than mine!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Random Tuesday

Ugh, it's only Tuesday...but according to the "blog world" that means it's time to be random...

I can't really think of anything to be random about.  I think you would call this "blogger's block" which is something similar to "writer's block".

Making the trek down to Santa Barbara tomorrow for work.  Kinda excited to get out of the office for a day, but not real excited why I have to go down there.  I'm not going to get into it here, since that's work and this isn't...but it's nothing bad, it's just work.

I started a new book...finally.  I ordered two books from Powells online.  They sell used books for super cheap.  I got two books for $2 each and the only bummer part was that the shipping was more than the cost of the two books!  But they arrived and they are in great shape.  I'll have to do some more shopping there when they do their no charge for shipping special.  Anyhow right now I'm reading "Memoirs of a Geisha".  So far so good.  I don't get a lot of time to read...I usually read once I'm in bed and at that point I can only last a couple of pages before I catch my eyes closing.  Then the next night I usually have to re-read the last page because I was falling asleep while reading it the previous night.  It usually takes me a couple of months to get through an average book, which I think is pretty darn good for a full time working mom!

We have a painting of Johnny Cash on our wall.  We bought it like 5-6 years ago from a local art gallery downtown.  It's our only real art that we own other than the photos we take.  I am just recalling in my head how Logan used to stare at that painting when he was just a few months old.  I wonder what went through his little mind while staring at that painting.  I wonder if it will mean something to him when he's older.  We've considered selling it a couple of times...mainly for the need of quick cash.  But we've always somehow managed and haven't needed to sell it.  I think Ian even listed it once on eBay but we have no idea how much it's worth.

I haven't taken allergy medicine in like at least 2 months.  I ran out of my regular prescription and then when I went to fill it, they were going to charge me $180!!!  I hadn't filled it since I switched insurance plans, so apparently my new plan doesn't support my prescription.  Anyhow, my doctor has since written me a new prescription but I just haven't taken the time to fill it.  I think in the back of my mind I'm hopeful that I don't have allergies anymore...HA!  They actually aren't that bad...they just bother me first thing in the morning and then only off and on throughout the day.  But my eyes have been itching a lot lately which is making me think I should just fill the stupid prescription.

Well, I guess that's all the random I have in my for tonight.  My brain flow is a little slow these days and my "writing" skills aren't feeling up to par.  So if you need some more random, head over to the Un Mom...mmm k!


Thursday, September 16, 2010

5 Question Friday...right on time!

O-M-G...where did this week go?!  Can you believe it's Friday already?  Can you believe it's already the middle of September?!  Wholy cow time sure is flying by these days.
Well, since it's Friday, that means it's time for 5 Question, here we go!
1. What is the first nightmare you remember?  Seriously?  What's with the memory questions?  I think we've established that I have a horrible long-term memory.  So with that in mind, the other night I had a "nightmare" that I was trying to get to work and EVERYTHING was slowing me down!  I can't even remember what was slowing me down, but every person and thing that could happen did and I thought I was never going to get to work...weird.  Not sure that qualifies as a nightmare, but it sure was frustrating.

2. Even if you're not a sports fan, what's your favorite sport to play/watch? I really like football.  Note: I didn't say love...just like.  I think my "like" for it stems from the many years growing up with two brothers that played football and a dad that watched every game that was on TV.  And when it wasn't football season, he would watch tapes of my brothers playing.  So it was pretty much on all of the time.  So, I guess it's a comfort thing for me to have football on the it's entertaining to pick a team at the beginning and have someone to cheer for. :)

3. If you could pull off one piece of trendy fashion, what would you want it to be (jeggings, hats, thigh high boots, etc.)? Hmmm...not much of the fashionista type, but I guess it would be trendy sunglasses.  I wear prescription sunglasses, and with the high price tag, I only have one pair.  And I've had that same pair for about 3 years now.  And for how much they cost, I don't keep up with the changing fashions.  But it would be nice to change out my sunglasses every once in a while.

4. Did you make good grades in school?  Depends on when in school this question is referring and to what classes!  In high school I think I did fairly well.  I was in Advanced Placement History and English, did ok in math and science, and passed Spanish.  In college I was average...I did well in most of my classes but there were a couple that I had to take a few times before they finally just gave me a passing grade so I wouldn't take up another space the next quarter!  I had to take genetics and organic chemistry 3 times each...eeek!

5. What magazines do you subscribe to?  Well, my darling husband signed me up for several subscriptions a couple of years ago for Christmas, and I guess he put them on automatic renewal because I've been getting them ever since.  He signed me up for Glamour, Self and Fitness.  I personally subscribed to Real Simple and apparently Parenting (not sure how that happened).  I like all of them, but I wish I had time to read all of them.  I have two huge bins of magazines sorted by title that I have yet to read.  I'm sure I'll get to them someday!

Alright...that's all for now!  Hope everyone has a super fun-filled weekend. :)  I'm ready for some sleeping in and relaxing...but we know those two things won't happen, so I'm hoping for some fun!  In the meantime, head on over to Mama M's at My Little Life for more fun...

Happy Friday!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Random Tuesday...

Yes!  I finally found a blog that rolls my way...all about the Random Tuesday!  So, here we go with our first official random post...

I have fallen in love...I'm in love with Trader Joe's Sweet Tea, and it's all Ian's fault.  First he turned me on to the Sweet Tea at McDonald's (yes, we would go to McDonald's just to get the Sweet Tea).  Then it got a little annoying to have to drive there just to get a drink.  So one day we were in TJ's and noticed their Sweet Tea.  We had tried a couple of other Sweet Teas from the grocery store, but they just didn't do it for us.  Then we found the TJ's Sweet Tea and the first time we tasted it you could hear the angels sing.  So, needless to say, I think we're the ones that keep their Sweet Tea line going as we buy a bottle of it at least once a week.

I think it's funny that in the evenings while we're hanging out in Logan's room before bed, we can look out his open window and see our neighbors behind us.  Tonight the husband neighbor was outside, so Ian started a conversation with him from Logan's bedroom window!  Now apparently we'll be taking their Christmas card photo this year!  Logan thinks it's the best thing that we can see our neighbors and talk to them from the window.  He loves to stand there and say "hi" and wave to them. :)  I'm sure he won't love it in like 13 or 14 years when he's trying to sneak out that very window and the neighbors can see him and call us...ha!

I think I have a blocked tear duct in my right eye.  My upper eye lid, right in the inside corner, feels like it's bruised or something.  It pretty much hurts every time I blink, and it hurts even worse when I touch it or rub it.  I've had this before and it usually goes away after a few days.  Or maybe it's always there and I just get used to it and then get annoyed by it every once in a while?  Hmmm...

I hate when the recycling piles up on the center island in our kitchen.  We have a recycle can in the same pull out thing as our trash can, but it's small and fills up so fast so we end up piling the recycling on the center island.  Then once it starts to fall over, one of us will get annoyed and eventually take it out to the big can in the garage.  I kinda wish there was a door to the garage that was closer to the kitchen...I think that would help our problem.  I love my house, but there are just a few things I wish I could change about it and that would be one of them...a garage door right near the kitchen.  It would especially be helpful for unloading groceries too.

Alright, well that's all for now...I'm sure I could go on forever.  But if you want more randomness, head on over to The Un-Mom Blog!  Happy Tuesday!


Saturday, September 11, 2010

5 Question Friday...on Saturday!

Ok, so if you read my previous post you'll understand why this post is a little late.  But our internet is back up and running and we're in business.  Now for a Saturday rendition of 5 Question Friday!!
1. Do you feel guilty spending money on yourself?  YES! Yes, I do very much.  We don't have a lot of extra money to spend, so when I do spend money it's almost always on Logan and occasionally on Ian, but almost never on myself.  The last thing I bought for myself was a pair of shoes from Target about 2 months ago and I felt awful about it for a couple of days after because I felt like I probably should have spent that money on shoes for Logan.

2. How well do you know your neighbors? The neighbors next door we know pretty well.  We've done dinners at their house occasionally, we talk out front whenever we see each other, and our kids will play occasionally.  Our other neighbors we know well enough to exchange friendly conversation out front and wave whenever we drive by.  I wish we had neighbors that we were really good friends with that we could BBQ with all the time and hang out regularly.  Maybe we'll have that someday.

3. What age are you looking forward to being? I like the age I am...not really looking forward to an age in the future.  But I guess if I HAD to pick an age, it would be the age that I get to retire at...hopefully sooner rather than later. :)

4. Do you get excited when the mail comes? Why? Heck NO! Pretty much the only thing the mailman delivers to us is bills...yuck!  Although, fewer bills than maybe a year ago, but still it's generally bills and junk mail.  Once a year we get a tax refund check in which case, I would make friends with the mailman if he could get it here faster.  Otherwise, we generally check our mail once or twice a week...that's how excited we are about it!

5. What is your earliest childhood memory? Geezzz...I've realized over the years that I don't have a very good memory and it's getting worse as I'm getting older...maybe I need some ginkobaloba, or whatever that stuff is!  Thinking back as hard as I can, I do have fond memories of spending lots of time at my grandma and grandpa's house when they had their german shepard/wolf mix dog named Tarra and she had puppies and I thought that was the greatest thing in the world.  I loved, loved, loved those puppies and I was lucky that Tarra loved me!  I also have great memories of my grandpa letting me sit on his lap and "drive" his truck to 7-Eleven from their house (like 4 blocks)...he really led me to believe that I was driving!

All right friends...happy Saturday!!  Make the most of your weekend, especially those of you that work full time outside of the home Monday through Friday like me!  And if you want more 5 Question Friday fun, head over to Mama M's.