Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Random Tuesday

Ugh, it's only Tuesday...but according to the "blog world" that means it's time to be random...

I can't really think of anything to be random about.  I think you would call this "blogger's block" which is something similar to "writer's block".

Making the trek down to Santa Barbara tomorrow for work.  Kinda excited to get out of the office for a day, but not real excited why I have to go down there.  I'm not going to get into it here, since that's work and this isn't...but it's nothing bad, it's just work.

I started a new book...finally.  I ordered two books from Powells online.  They sell used books for super cheap.  I got two books for $2 each and the only bummer part was that the shipping was more than the cost of the two books!  But they arrived and they are in great shape.  I'll have to do some more shopping there when they do their no charge for shipping special.  Anyhow right now I'm reading "Memoirs of a Geisha".  So far so good.  I don't get a lot of time to read...I usually read once I'm in bed and at that point I can only last a couple of pages before I catch my eyes closing.  Then the next night I usually have to re-read the last page because I was falling asleep while reading it the previous night.  It usually takes me a couple of months to get through an average book, which I think is pretty darn good for a full time working mom!

We have a painting of Johnny Cash on our wall.  We bought it like 5-6 years ago from a local art gallery downtown.  It's our only real art that we own other than the photos we take.  I am just recalling in my head how Logan used to stare at that painting when he was just a few months old.  I wonder what went through his little mind while staring at that painting.  I wonder if it will mean something to him when he's older.  We've considered selling it a couple of times...mainly for the need of quick cash.  But we've always somehow managed and haven't needed to sell it.  I think Ian even listed it once on eBay but we have no idea how much it's worth.

I haven't taken allergy medicine in like at least 2 months.  I ran out of my regular prescription and then when I went to fill it, they were going to charge me $180!!!  I hadn't filled it since I switched insurance plans, so apparently my new plan doesn't support my prescription.  Anyhow, my doctor has since written me a new prescription but I just haven't taken the time to fill it.  I think in the back of my mind I'm hopeful that I don't have allergies anymore...HA!  They actually aren't that bad...they just bother me first thing in the morning and then only off and on throughout the day.  But my eyes have been itching a lot lately which is making me think I should just fill the stupid prescription.

Well, I guess that's all the random I have in my for tonight.  My brain flow is a little slow these days and my "writing" skills aren't feeling up to par.  So if you need some more random, head over to the Un Mom...mmm k!


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