Saturday, July 30, 2011

Saying Good-bye...

Tonight we had to say good-bye...

We had to say good-bye to two people that we've known longer than any of our "couple friends"...

And Ian had to say good-bye to a friend that he's had longer than we've been together...

Tonight we had to say good-bye to two friends (and 3 little ones) that we've grown closer to over the past few years...

And tonight, Logan had to say good-bye to three little friends, two of which he has grown up with for the past 2 years...

Tonight we said good-bye to our dear friends Kenny & Christin and their little ones, Rylan, Elle & Blake.  Ever since they said they were leaving, I didn't really think about it too much.  I knew that we would miss them and that it would suck to not have them here.  They are the friends that we can call at 5 minutes before dinner time and make a plan to meet for dinner.  They are the friends that we can invite over and not worry about having to clean up first to make a good impression.  They are the friends that we can say anything in front of and know that we won't offend them, because they will proabably say something worse.  They are the friends that we have laughed with, cried with, and gone through an interesting DUI checkpoint with!  They mean so much to us as friends, that Kenny is the one that performed our marriage ceremony...that's the kind of friends they are.

As with don't realize how important someone is or how much they mean to you until they are gone.  I know that even though they just moved a couple of states away, doesn't mean that they are gone forever.  It's not like we can't get on a plane and visit them (lord knows Logan would freak out with excitement if that happened!), but they are not 10 minutes away anymore.  We hope to stay in touch with them via things like chat and Skype.  And I promised Christin that I would start blogging again (see...told ya first one already!) to keep her updated on the central coast drama.  But they are still a world away.

I mentioned to Ian that I think what makes this change even harder is that Logan is at an age where he knows Elle and Rylan now, and he recognizes them as his friends, asks to play with them, wonders what they are doing, and wants to know when we are going to their house again.  That makes this hard.  It's also hard because now that they are so far away, I feel like he will forget them.  I hope that by Skyping, he will remember them and also remember Kenny and Christin and how important their friendship is to us.

I do wish them much luck and happiness on their new adventure and I hope, hope, hope that we can plan a visit out to see them someday.  But my biggest hope is that someday we end up living close again and can continue the friendship that has developed over the past few years.

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