Thursday, August 19, 2010

5 Question Friday's something new!!  I'm trying to incorporate myself into the blog world by participating in other bloggers  fun activities.  So here is my first one!

Here are some random questions that Mama M from My Little Life has posted...let's see what we come up with!

1. Do you have any nicknames and if so how did it come about?  Jenn, Jenn-O, Penniper, Missy...not really sure how I've come about some of these names, but if you know Ian and I and the rest of my family, you know that we generally don't call anyone by their given name!

2. What is your birth order amongst your siblings?  Well, technically I'm first/middle/last as I don't have any blood siblings, but amongst my step-brothers (whom have been around since I was like 5) I am the middle child of 3.  I loved it because I was the only girl and I was in the middle...I don't think it gets much better than that!

3. In a movie of your life, who would play your significant other?  Oooh...that's a tough one...I'm not good with famous people.  I guess I would say Harry Connick Jr.  Not because he necessarily reminds me of Ian, but I love the role that he portrays in the movie "Hope Floats"...but sadly enough, I don't really know much about him.

4. What is currently your favorite song?  Oooh,...another tough one!  I am not really a "favorites" person...I generally like a lot of things.  But I guess if I had to choose one right now it would be "We're Going to be Friends" by Jack Johnson.  I just bought it on iTunes and added it to my iTouch and I could listen to it over and's so relaxing and upbeat.

5. Are you saving your money for anything right now? Big or small purchase?  Yes!  We're saving some money right now for a big purchase!  We sold my motorcycle about 3 months ago and are saving that money for new flooring for our house!!  We think we might need to save up some more, but we don't know for sure how much it will all cost just yet.  We are so desperately in need of some new flooring, at least in our living room and on our stairs.  Between the cats and a small child (and a former dog!) our carpet has taken a beating and it's really starting to show.  We're hoping by the end of this year to have the flooring redone!

Ok...that's all for this Friday!  You can head on over to My Little Life to check out more answers for 5 Question Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Harry Connick Jr. seems like such a neat guy! I wouldn't have thought to consider him! Happy Friday!
